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 Author  Dr Matthew Hannon
Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship
Strathclyde University Business School
 Last Updated  20 August 2019
 Status  Peer reviewed document
 Download Landscape  PDF 1 MB

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Table 7.1: Networks

The below explores networks that facilitate engagement and knowledge exchange across the socio-economic energy research landscape. It is worth noting that many of the large consortia outlined in Section 3 perform a key networking role by bringing together key institutions and researchers, as well as linking these with other stakeholders. International networks are covered in Section 9

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Table 7.1: Networks

 Network  Date Established  Description  Membership Profile  Activities
British Institute of Energy Economics (BIEE) 1984 BIEE is an independent institute and membership organisation for business, finance, government and academic professionals from all parts of the energy industry. Its expertise is in energy economics and policy, with a focus on the UK energy system, world energy markets, climate policy and the future energy landscape. The UK is at the leading edge of many energy-related issues. It is home to some of the world’s largest and most innovative companies and financial institutions involved in providing and financing energy. UK government policy in energy and climate change has many innovative aspects, (e.g., the Committee on Climate Change) and the UK academic research on energy issues has a high international profile. BIEE is the UK affiliate of the International Association of Energy Economics (IAEE). Individual and corporate membership. Membership is drawn from universities, government, international agencies, regulatory bodies, industry and the financial sector.
  • Convening a regular programme of meetings seminars and conferences held in London Oxford and Scotland to debate current issues in both the UK and world energy markets.
  • Publishing presentations, papers, and discussion summaries from our meetings.
  • Helping to develop the next generation of professionals, by offering students free membership, research prizes and financial support.
  • Contributing to wider international energy debates through association with the International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE) and its regional affiliates. The BIEE encourages its members to become IAEE members
DecarboN8 - An integrated network to decarbonise transport 2019 The DecarboN8 project will develop a new network of researchers, working closely with industry and government, capable of designing solutions which can be deployed rapidly and at scale Led by the eight most research intensive Universities across the North of England (Durham, Lancaster, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield and York).
  • Funding of early career networking initiatives.
  • 12 research workshops which will bring new research interests together to better understand the specific challenges of the transport sector and develop integrated solutions
  • Interface with non-research stakeholders.
Energy Pioneers 2017 Networking and skills-building events for women in the energy sector, with a particular focus on connecting researchers with policy-makers. N/A
  • Increase the visibility of expert female investigators in policy discussions in a gender-balanced way to encourage new voices, new ideas, and new discussions.
  • 4 outreach events for the benefit of the wider energy community.
  • Designing and executing policy relevant discussions and share learning.
Heat Network: heat decarbonisation network 2017 The Heat Network, led by charity 10:10 Climate Action working in collaboration with UKERC researchers, looks to support the UK’s heat decarbonisation efforts through the development of a successful, inclusive and enduring network of people and organisations helping to decarbonise heat. N/A
  • Survey work, workshops and publications to for the first time pull together those researching and innovating around sustainable heating.
  • Bursaries to cover travel and child care for events in order to encourage niche players, small businesses and diverse interests to attend the events
  • Document targeted at the research councils advising them on the current status of UK heat R&D and where more research and innovation may be of most value.
Low Carbon Energy for Development Network (LCEDN) 2012 Expanding research capacity around low-carbon energy development in the Global South by bringing together researchers, practitioners and policy-makers.
  • Initially five academic research centres:
  • SPRU at the University of Sussex
  • Energy Futures Lab at Imperial College
  • Durham Energy Institute
  • Midlands Energy Consortium
  • Annual conferences
  • Build collaborative partnerships for projects which expand research capacity and find solutions relating to sustainable energy development in the Global South.
  • News and events dissemination
Nexus network 2014 The Nexus Network has worked to support
transdisciplinary research at the food-water-energy-environment nexus
and to create meaningful links between communities of researchers, policymakers, business leaders and practitioners.
Five core university partners
  • Events to frame nexus challenges Insights into tools and methodologies for nexus thinking and practice
  • Flexible small grants programme and fellowship scheme
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Built capacity in the UK research system for future investments
  • Provide strategic advice to ESRC, RCUK and other funding bodies.
Ripples Network 2016 RIPPLES is an interdisciplinary group of early career researchers whose work focuses on the interaction between government policy and grassroots practice in local and community-led sustainability initiatives. 15 early career researchers
  • Blog
  • Publications list
  • Regular gatherings
UKERC Whole Systems Networking Fund 2017 Not explicitly a network but an initiative to build networks. The Whole Systems Networking Fund aims to improve equality, communications and collaboration between those working in the field of whole systems energy. The fund is helping to develop best practice around networking, fostering better representation of UK capacity in whole systems energy research, encouraging fresh voices and building new working relationships within the community. 18 projects stretching across numerous UK institutions. List of associated projects here. Some are presented individually in this table.
Women s Whole Energy Systems Research and Industry Network (WERIN) 2017 A project to identify women working in energy and whole systems energy research, and to run a series of online and offline networking events to highlight the capacity of women in the energy sector. N/A The project will build a user-friendly, online platform that will highlight the skills and research interests of each of the members. Once a network group has been established, the project will host a number of virtual and physical networking events throughout the UK.

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